
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Internal air system,General internal airflow pattern,COOLING

 Internal air system :


Fig. 9-1 General internal airflow pattern.
1. The engine internal air system is defined as those airflows which do not directly contribute to the engine thrust. The system has several important functions to perform for the safe and efficient operation of the engine. These functions include internal engine and accessory unit cooling, bearing chamber sealing prevention of hot gas ingestion into the turbine disc cavities, control of bearing axial loads, control of turbine blade tip clearances (Part 5) and engine anti-icing (Part 13). The system also supplies air for the aircraft services. Up to one fifth of the total engine core mass airflow may be used for these various functions.

2. An increasing amount of work is done on the air, as it progresses through the compressor, to raise its pressure and temperature. Therefore, to reduce engine performance losses, the air is taken as early as possible from the compressor commensurate with the requirement of each particular function. The cooling air is expelled overboard via a vent system or into the engine main gas stream, at the highest possible pressure, where a small performance recovery is achieved.

COOLING 3. An important consideration at the design stage of a gas turbine engine is the need to ensure that certain parts of the engine, and in some instances certain accessories, do not absorb heat to the extent that is detrimental to their safe operation. The principal areas which require air cooling are the combustor and turbine. Refer to Part 4 for combustor cooling techniques.

4. Cooling air is used to control the temperature of the compressor shafts and discs by either cooling or heating them. This ensures an even temperature dis-tribution and therefore improves engine efficiency by controlling thermal growth and thus maintaining minimum blade tip and seal clearances. Typical cooling and sealing airflows are shown in fig. 9-1

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