
Friday, February 24, 2012

Controls and instrumentation - CONTROLS

want to read about :Controls and instrumentation - INTRODUCTION

4. The control of a gas turbine engine generally requires the use of only one control lever and the monitoring of certain indicators located on the pilot's instrument panel (fig. 12-1). Operation of the control (throttle/power) lever selects a thrust level which is then maintained automatically by the fuel system (Part 10).
Fig. 12-1 Pilot's instrument panel - turbo-jet engines.

5. On engines fitted with afterburning, single lever control is maintained, although a further fuel system  is required to supply and control the fuel to the after burner (Part 16).

6. On a turbo-propeller engine, the throttle lever is interconnected  with  the  propeller  control  unit (P.C.U.), thus maintaining single lever operation of the engine. Similarly, the throttle control lever of a helicopter is interconnected with the collective pitch lever,  so  ensuring  that  an  increase  in  pitch  is accompanied by an increase in engine power,
7. The fuel system (Part 10) incorporates a high pressure fuel shut-off cock to provide a means of stopping the engine.  This may be operated by a separate lever, interconnected with the throttle lever, or electrically actuated and controlled by a switch on the pilot's instrument panel.
8. A turbo-jet engine fitted with a thrust reverser usually has an additional control lever that allows reverse thrust to be selected (Part 15). On a turbo- propeller engine, a separate control lever is not required because the interconnected throttle and P.C.U. lever is operated to reverse the pitch of the propeller.

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