
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Noise suppression METHODS OF SUPPRESSING NOISE ypes of noise suppressor


Fig. 19-5 Types of noise suppressor.
10. Noise suppression of internal sources is approached in two ways; by basic design to minimize noise originating within or propagating from the engine, and by the use of acoustically absorbent linings. Noise can be minimized by reducing airflow disruption which causes turbulence. This is achieved by using minimal rotational and airflow velocities and reducing the wake intensity by appropriate spacing between the blades and vanes. The ratio between the number of rotating blades and stationary vanes can also be advantageously employed to contain noise within the engine.

11. As previously described, the major source of noise on the pure jet engine and low by-pass engine is the exhaust jet, and this can be reduced by inducing a rapid or shorter mixing region. This reduces the low frequency noise but may increase the high frequency level. Fortunately, high frequencies are quickly absorbed in the atmosphere and some of the noise which does propagate to the listener is beyond the audible range, thus giving the perception of a quieter engine. This is achieved by increasing the contact area of the atmosphere with the exhaust gas stream by using a propelling nozzle incorporating a corrugated or lobe-type noise suppressor (fig. 19-5).

12. In the corrugated nozzle, freestream atmospheric air flows down the outside corrugations and into the exhaust jet to promote rapid mixing. In the lobe-type nozzle, the exhaust gases are divided to flow through the lobes and a small central nozzle. This forms a number of separate exhaust jets that rapidly mix with the air entrained by the suppressor lobes. This principle can be extended by the use of a series of tubes to give the same overall area as the basic circular nozzle.

Introduction Noise suppression, Noise suppression Engine noise, Noise suppression Methods of suppressing noise, Noise suppression Construction and materials, ypes of noise suppressor,

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