
Thursday, August 1, 2013

How to control Flying Radio Control I.C. Powered Model Aircraft ? - Essential Considerations & Where To Fly Parts

Essential Considerations 
We are going to work only with fixed wing model aeroplanes powered by two stroke fuel engines.  The basic advice is also relevant to helicopters, as far as engines, radio and starting kit is concerned.  There are some basic fundamental factors you must accept and appreciate before you even start.

1) Where you are going to fly your model.
2) The necessity for you to be protected by third party indemnity insurance.

Both of these essentials can be fulfilled by approaching and joining your local model flying club.  Such organizations will, in most instances, have negotiated flying rights with a local landowner, council, etc. or even own their own flying field.

Most established clubs will be affiliated to the national governing body that controls model flying in your country.  As part of that affiliation they will have inclusive membership insurance at a fraction if the price it would cost you to insure yourself.  Not only does club membership carry these most useful benefits, there will almost certainly be a pilot training scheme for you to take advantage of.  Many clubs today even provide a suitable club trainer and control setup for you to ‘cut your teeth on’, so to speak.  If you haven’t already been put off your initial enthusiasm by the above reality check, then let’s move on to some further considerations.

a) Where are you going to learn to fly your model?
b) Who’s going to teach you?
c) What sort of model will you choose?
d) How are you going to power it?
e) What radio equipment will you choose to control it?
Let’s take each of these basic considerations in turn.

How to control Flying Radio Control I.C. Powered Model Aircraft ? Introduction Part 1

Where to Fly 

Unless you happen to own a large tract of open land with short cropped grass or an ex military airfield with an old runway, you will need to join a club or arrange to fly on someone else’s land. Whatever you do, you will have to abide by the regulations that control model flying in your country.  The civil aviation authority that controls aircraft movement within your home country’s airspace will usually have a set of strict guidelines for the operation of airborne models.

If you intend to go it alone, then it is your responsibility to ensure that you don’t contravene these regulations.  Join your local model aircraft club and none of the above will concern you.  The club will have taken all necessary precautions and responsibilities to ensure these regulations are satisfied.  All you have to do is abide by the club rules and enjoy your flying and the camaraderie of the other members.

As a general rule model club members are a very mixed bunch of characters and you are sure to find a few that you can relate to.  You’ll share enjoyable times with them and not only that, you will learn a great deal from the experience and expertise they will be happy to share with you.
Further Details : see the next post . to be CONTINUE........

TAGS: how to fly remote control airplanes, youtube rc planes flying, flying rc planes for beginners, how to build a remote control plane, how to make a remote control airplane, how to fly a 4ch rc plane, how to make an rc plane, how to build a rc plane, earn to fly remote control planes, learn to fly rc planes video, best rc plane to learn to fly, flying radio controlled planes, how to fly remote control airplanes, learn to fly rc airplane, remote controlled aircraft, flying rc aircraft,

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