
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How to control Flying Radio Control I.C. Powered Model Aircraft ? The Radio Control System Part 2

Battery Meter
Gimbals (Stick)
Power Switch
Trainer Switch
 The telescoping tube that transmits the signal
 The device that provides power to the transmitter
 The device used to monitor the strength of the transmitter batteries
 The device that sets the radio frequency of the transmission
 The device that allows the user to input desired control movements into the transmitter
 The device for carrying the transmitter
 The switch used to apply battery power to the internal components of the transmitter
 The switch used to allow an instructor to give control of a model to the student
Trim Lever  Slides used to adjust control surfaces during flight

Transmitter Control Modes There are two (2) primary modes of operation, meaning the way the gimbals are set up for operation.

Mode 1 Most early radio control fliers adopted this mode and it became the accepted configuration particularly in the United Kingdom. Mode 1 has Rudder and Elevator on the left hand gimbal (stick) and Ailerons and Throttle on the right hand gimbal (stick).
Mode 2 In more recent times, the thinking changed to the Mode 2 configuration.  Most modelers believed that it was easier to control the primary surfaces effectively with the same hand.  Mode 2 grew in popularity and is used almost exclusively in the USA.  A beginner does not have to be concerned about which mode he should select since most manufacturers install the gimbals according the most widely used mode for the nation to which the radio system is being shipped.  When choosing your equipment it is important to consider the mode your tutor uses and the availability of your chosen mode from the supplier. All modern transmitters have the facility to change over the stick designations if necessary. Your user manual will provide instructions on how to do this.

Buddy Box  
This facility was briefly mentioned earlier.  Many instructors now use a ‘buddy box’ system where there is a cable link between your transmitter and that of your instructor.  This gives the instructor total control over the model in flight and the ability to transfer control to your transmitter at the flick of a switch.

In the event you are experiencing a problem, this setup enables your instructor to take control of your plane just by releasing this switch. In essence your transmitter becomes the slave to your instructor’s master transmitter. The main advantage is the increased speed of transfer of control between student and instructor in the event of difficulty.
To be continue , see the next post 

TAGS: how to fly remote control airplanes, youtube rc planes flying, flying rc planes for beginners, how to build a remote control plane, how to make a remote control airplane, how to fly a 4ch rc plane, how to make an rc plane, how to build a rc plane, earn to fly remote control planes, learn to fly rc planes video, best rc plane to learn to fly, flying radio controlled planes, how to fly remote control airplanes, learn to fly rc airplane, remote controlled aircraft, flying rc aircraft,

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