Segment Coloring
Access to segment coloring is through the Properties dialog box.
1. Right-click the manikin in the specification tree and select Properties from the contextual menu. The Properties dialog box appears.
2. In the Manikin tab, select the Coloring sub-tab.
● Show Colors: These radio buttons are used to enable and disable the coloring.
❍ None deactivates the coloring.
❍ All activates the coloring.
❍ All but Maximum Scores activates the coloring on all segments except those with scores at their maximum. This feature can be used, for instance, to display colors only if the manikin goes out of its comfort zone.

● Degree of Freedom This combo is used to choose the degree of freedom to activate. This combo is enabled only if the coloring feature is active.
❍ Flexion/Extension (DOF1) The color shown for each segment is the color of the preferred angle defined for DOF1 of the corresponding segment, if it exists. Otherwise, no coloring is applied.
❍ Abduction/Adduction(DOF2) The color shown for each segment is the color of the preferred angle defined for DOF2 of the corresponding segment, if it exists. Otherwise, no coloring is applied.
❍ Rotation (DOF3) The color shown for each segment is the color of the preferred angle defined for DOF3 of the corresponding segment, if it exists. Otherwise, no coloring is applied.
❍ Worst DOF The color shown for each segment is the color of the preferred angle defined for the lowest scoring DOF of the corresponding segment, if it exists. Otherwise, no coloring is applied.
● Element to color: These checkboxes are used to select the parts that will change color. They are enabled only if the coloring feature is active.
Optimizing the postural score
In the Preferred Angles toolbar, select the Find Best Posture command. This command changes
the position of the body so as to maximize the global postural score of the manikin (i.e., yield a perfect score). If this command is invoked and there are no preferred angles or if the manikin is already in an optimal posture, the following message is displayed:
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